Can Pakistani Dentists work in the USA? | UMDC
Aspiring dentists often explore avenues beyond their home countries in the dynamic landscape of global opportunities. For Pakistani dentists with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree, practising in the United States can be particularly enticing. In this article, we delve into the possibilities and challenges that Pakistani dentists may encounter while pursuing their dental careers in the USA. Understanding the BDS Degree Before embarking on the journey to practice dentistry in the USA, it's crucial to comprehend the foundation on which Pakistani dentists stand for the BDS degree. The BDS program in Pakistan provides A comprehensive education in dental sciences. Covering subjects like oral pathology. Periodontology. Restorative dentistry: This academic background equips dentists with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform competently in a clinical setting. Navigating the Pathways Practising dentistry in the USA involves navigating a complex web of licensi...